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  • Rachel (Dwan) Thomas, Class of 1995


    My Montessori education has absolutely everything to do with who I am as a person today. Montessori is my life philosophy and I am incredibly passionate about my work as a Montessori School Teacher. Montessori education has instilled in me a life long love of learning, a fierce need to feel independent and the desire to always explore and incorporate adventure into my life...

  • Una Shea, Class of 2012


    My Montessori education taught me the importance of asking good questions, doing what I can to fully understand material, and proper interaction skills with others, all of which I am grateful for every day. As I meet new people and teachers, I realize how well Montessori prepared me for my High School experience and I can’t imagine how it will influence me through my life.

  • Deborah Helk: School Language Specialist


    Every student I have worked with is a memorable story because each child is so unique. I have been able to see how a love of learning and a seeking out of knowledge is fostered in all of the students I’ve worked with as well as with my two sons...

  • Hannah (Dwan) Richard, Class of 1995


    My Montessori education was by far the greatest gift my parent’s ever gave me. It taught me respect, curiosity, confidence, and love. Those four qualities that I find in myself now and in all the decisions, big and small, that I make regarding my life, are directly tied to my Montessori education...

  • Profile of Elaine Allessio, Former Elementary Directress


    In my entire career here, I have always looked forward to helping children learn to read. Reading has given me such pleasure as well as a deeper understanding of life. I try to share this joy as well as the skill with children. In addition, I endeavor to introduce the students to classic books and stories, which can offer an insight into what it means to be human. How do we make the moral choices needed? Stories can guide us...

  • Eliza Davis (Class of 2006)


    My Montessori experience taught me how to hold myself responsible for my own education. Because I was encouraged to make my own choices from a young age I understand and cherish the power that I have to control my own learning. In high school I found I could choose to absorb the information that my teacher’s put in front of me or not, yet because of the fantastic training I had from my extraordinary Montessori teachers I felt inspired to absorb as much as possible. They instilled in me...

  • Tyler Miller (Class of 2006)


    I’m reminded almost daily of how lucky I was to receive a Montessori education. The desire to learn and motivation to keep up with my schoolwork that Montessori taught me is absolutely amazing. Of course, the community aspect also rubbed off on me, and Montessori really gifted me the ability to work with my peers.

  • Gretchen Silverman, Former Children’s House Directress


    I come from a background of educators, including my mother and many aunts and uncles, so it felt natural for me to pursue my Masters in Education after college. I knew I enjoyed working with elementary age children and focused my internship on 4th and 5th grades. Shortly after we were married, my husband and I moved to Salinas, California, where I was hired to teach third grade...

  • A Letter From Ann Marie Fenn, Former Head of School, Faculty Member and Parent


    When I was asked to share my LMS story I thought almost immediately of several distinct experiences that impressed me. The first was my very first classroom observation as a prospective parent in 1983 when I was seeking an educational environment for my oldest daughter who had just turned three. A friend of mine, who had children of similar ages, suggested an observation in the Children’s House classroom. If it all worked out, we would car pool!

  • Steve Richard (Class of 1991)


    Like many other alumni, my Litchfield Montessori years started at the age of two and a half years old. Post LMS I attended Rumsey Hall in Washington, CT and Westminster in Simsbury, CT before undergrad at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. After Georgetown I worked in sales for the Corporate Executive Board (NYSE: EXBD) prior to founding Vorsight. We’ve been fortunate to take Vorsight from $200 in a newly opened business checking account in 2005 to $5m annual revenue with no debt and no investors.

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