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Theatrical performance of The Ghost Net 

01/19/2023 at 3:30PM - 4:30PM EST
Location: Northfield Fire House - 12 Knife Shop Rd, Litchfield, Connecticut, 06778

The Ghost Net: An Environmental musical of the sea, with its colorful and imaginative costumes and music, has received rave reviews from both theatrical and environmental groups It tells the story of Marina, a young girl who is taken by a friendly dolphin on a fantastic tour of the ocean, where she sees the effects that plastic trash, enveloping oil spills, and garbage and the deadly, drifting ghost nets have on the creatures of the sea. Humor and music abound as the black-backed gull sings the blues, the tropical fish dance and sing a calypso number, and "Sludge" performs a rap song. 

You can learn more about the Grumbling Gryphons here: https://grumblinggryphons.org/program.html