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Weekly Update Sept. 13 - 20

September 13th, 2024

The children love to do these things [practical life activities] for themselves and they learn to be careful and precise in their movements. This is both education of movement, because there is a refinement of muscular co-ordination when the work is carefully done, and education through movement, because these activities involve judgment and will, self-discipline, and an appreciation of orderliness. 
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents, p. 49

Happening this week:

Friday, Sept. 13th:

 Friday Coffee Hour:

Join us after drop-off every Friday morning!
Our faculty guest today will be Gina Hepp, Music Specialist & Upper Elementary Assistant.
Next week's faculty guest will be Grail Kearney, Lower Elementary Guide.


Monday, Sept. 16th:

Pizza Day  - Help support the 6th year class trip, and your child enjoys a slice of pizza for lunch!  If you didn't sign up for the semester, your child can always be included in pizza day. You may choose to participate on a week to week basis. Reach out to Betsy for more information. 

Community Circle:  3:30pm

Join us on a "mini-journey" through a child's time here at LMS.  Start in YPC and work your way through to Children's House, then on to the Elementary Classrooms. 
This is a wonderful opportunity to gain a better understanding of Montessori, and see what to expect in the future.

Please RSVP via the Remind Link that will be sent later today and let us know if you will need childcare. 


Saturday, Sept. 21st:

Join us as we prepare for Fall!   9:00am - 1:00pm

  • Annual Fall Clean-up - Help us prepare the school grounds for the change in seasons.
  • Clothing Swap - This is a perfect opportunity to clean out your child's closet and pull out last year's winter gear to pass on what they've outgrown and swap for something from an elder child in our community.
  • Tag Sale - Feel free to set up a table as we participate in the Town of Northfield Tag Sale.


View our calendar of events 
Link the LMS calendar to your preferred electronic calendar to stay up to date on school happenings and volunteer opportunities.

Things to know...

Parent Handbook:

The parent handbook has been updated for the 2024/25 School year.

Please review the Parent Handbook and sign that you have read and agree to it here: ACCEPTANCE


Posted in the category Weekly Update.