An integral part of Montessori education is the cultural curriculum presented with an interdisciplinary approach. Specialists in the arts, physical education, foreign language, and peace studies provide our students opportunities to observe, explore, experiment and discover in fields of study that are integrated with their work in the classroom. Field trips to museums, nature centers and theaters, as well as presentations by visiting guest artists, storytellers and puppeteers occur throughout the year for all ages. Our Elementary students travel outside the school to conduct individual research assignments and projects. 

Students at this upper level also take overnight trips to participate in programs that
  • Learn about cultures, governments and peoples of nations throughout the world.
  • Use research skills, writing skills and written and oral communications skills.
  • Develop critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and evaluative skills.
  • Debate current global issues and world problems.
  • Practice and use leadership skills in a real life global situation.
  • Understand the need for peace and conflict resolution throughout the world while developing their own conflict resolution and debating skills.


Parent Testimonial:

“I credit Montessori with helping my child become confident as a public speaker.  All of the presentations they make, the fun performances throughout the year and the year-end play, Montessori Model UN, and of course that graduation speech that is always so impressive have helped him develop confidence and ease in front of a group.”
-Parent of an LMS graduate