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Weekly Update Sept. 27 - Oct. 4

September 27th, 2024

“There is no punishment or reward in our schools to interfere with the joy in the work itself. The only reward is in the completion of the work – it is at this time that internal discipline establishes itself, and the foundations of character are laid. ”

Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents, p. 22

Happening this week:

Friday, Sept. 27th:

 Friday Coffee Hour:

Join us after drop-off every Friday morning!
Our faculty guest today will be Monika Geerling, Lower Elementary Assistant & Art Specialist.
Next week's faculty guest will be Danielle Snydar, Children's House Guide.

Kindness Rock Garden Update:


During last week’s Fall cleanup, families and children came together to refresh our Kindness Rock Garden, located under the oak tree at the school entrance. This special garden was created by Deb Martin, our beloved former PE teacher who retired a few years ago after 30 years of service to our school.

The garden is a space of positivity and joy. Children are invited to take a rock that hasn’t been painted yet, decorate it with a kind message or design, and return it to the garden to be shared with others. If a child finds a rock that brings them joy, they are welcome to take it home and keep it for as long as they’d like.

The Kindness Rock Garden is a lasting symbol of community and kindness, and we encourage all children to participate!


Monday, Sept. 30th:

Pizza Day  - Help support the 6th year class trip, and your child enjoys a slice of pizza for lunch!  If you didn't sign up for the semester, your child can always be included in pizza day. You may choose to participate on a week to week basis. Reach out to Betsy for more information. 

Fall After School Clubs are starting!

Join us as we offer fall clubs Monday through Thursday until 4:30pm. 

A new club for Children's House students has been added on Tuesdays!

Most clubs begin this week!

Sign up today


Friday, Oct. 4th:

Lower Elementary will take a field trip to White Memorial Conservation Center TODAY.  Please complete the permission slip.


Join today for First Friday!


3:00 pm Play Date

Join us on the LMS playground from 3pm to 5pm for our monthly play date.


5:00 pm Family Game Night

Come together for a intergenerational experience - Family Game Night  - 5pm to 7pm in the Great Hall. Bring your favorite game to share or learn a new one! 

Game Night is a fundraiser for the 6th year trip. $6 per person (includes pizza)  

RSVP via the Remind link we will send next week!


View our calendar of events 
Link the LMS calendar to your preferred electronic calendar to stay up to date on school happenings and volunteer opportunities.

Things to know...

Classroom wish lists:

As we begin a new school year, please remember your classroom has a wishlist for sharing with friends and family who want to be apart of enriching your child's experience. All lists can be found under  Support The Classroom

From the LMS Handbook:

Winter Illnesses - 

For the members of our community who are immune compromised, and for the rest of us who appreciate not being exposed to illness, please help keep everyone well this winter.

Please read this excerpt from page 11 of our parent handbook: 

Health & Safety Protocols

We rely on families to help keep everyone at school safe by doing their part to keep sick children home.

Please keep your child home if he/she has symptoms of illness. Fever, a sore throat, a cough or greenish colored discharge from the nose are clear signs of illness.

Students may return to school after they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducers.

When students come to school sick, they jeopardize the health of their schoolmates, faculty and staff. The school may send a child exhibiting symptoms home.

Parents should notify the school in the morning if their child is sick and will not be coming to school. If your child has a communicable disease, i.e., strep throat, G.I. ailments, respiratory illnesses, etc., please notify the school.

For further information about the current expectations with regard to keeping everyone healthy this season, please refer to the 2024/25 Handook.

Help keep everyone in the loop:

When calling out, please send a Remind message to both Betsy and your child's teacher.


Montessori Moment:


Where Montessori Meets Wellness

by Barbara Murphy, PhD

At its core, Montessori education is about preparing the whole child for life. What does this entail in today’s world? It means empowering children with a foundation of wellness practices that can help them build resilience by boosting their physical, emotional, and mental health. 

Learn More

Posted in the category Weekly Update.