Winter Session Abundant Circle
- The Wonders of Wool!
The ancient art of handcrafting allows a child to fully engage in the creative process.
In Abundant Circle Winter After School Club, we will explore the magic world of wool! We will learn various techniques such as wet and dry felting to turn wool into art! It is the perfect time of year to engage in the warm and comforting world of fiber art!
Limit: 10 participants
Weekend Workshop
Parent & Child Woodworking Workshop
2 Weekend day workshop, Feb. 8 and 9, 2025
Learn to build a three legged stool with mortise and tenon joinery!
Join your child, as you practice a craft and create a lasting memory. Each parent & child pair will build two stools, one to keep and one to donate to the LMS auction!
Minimum: 6 Parent/child pairs
Limit: 8 Parent/child pairs