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Weekly Update March 28 - April 4

March 28th, 2025

When work has become a habit, the intellectual level rises rapidly, and organized order causes good conduct to become a habit. Children then work with order, perseverance, and discipline, persistently and naturally; the permanent, calm and vivifying work of the physical organism resembles the respiratory rhythm. 
Maria Montessori
The Advanced Montessori Method Volume I

Happening this week:

 Friday Coffee Hour:

Join us after drop-off every Friday morning!

Our faculty guest for this morning is Michelle Augustine, Operations Coordinator.

Our guest next week will be Jay Potter, Outdoor Education Specialist.

Monday, March 31st:

Calling All Bakers!

Bake Sale

The sixth year class is organizing a bake sale for our upcoming game night, Friday, April 4th and Saturday, April 5th at Litchfield Stop and Shop. We greatly appreciate individually wrapped items, but that is not required. Items may be dropped off to Upper El or the kitchen, clearly labeled "Bake Sale", Friday morning, or brought to either event if you plan on attending. Thank you for your continued support of our graduating class!

Thursday, April 3rd:

Elementary Project Night

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Lower and Upper Elementary students look forward to showing you their research projects!

Friday, April 4th:

Spring Clean-up, Playdate, Family Game Night

Join us after school for our annual Spring Clean-Up during the First Friday playdate. Stay for Family Game Night - hosted by the 6th years of Upper Elementary at 5PM.

The 6th year class will be taking their class overnight trip at the end of May to New York City! Help them reach their fundraising goals by participating in this special First Friday Family Game night.  
View our calendar of events 
Link the LMS calendar to your preferred electronic calendar to stay up to date on school happenings and volunteer opportunities.

Things to know...

Running Club is Back! 

Join Betsy to train and run a 5k at Action Wildlife on Sunday, May 18th.


Summer Programs:

Begin Monday, June 9th

Registration now open!

Young People's Community - Directed by Susan Patrick, 3 weekly options

Children's House - Directed by Kelsey Ferguson & Danielle Snydar, 3 weekly options

Elementary - Directed byMonika Geerling, 2 weekly options

Please note - there are no programs offered during July this summer.



Looking for summer programs for July and August? 

Check out these local camps -

Arethusa farm foundation

White Memorial Conservation Center

Litchfield Parks and Rec.

Flanders Nature Center


Spring is Here!

A reminder about tick and sun preparedness...


Please check your children nightly for ticks.

The start of spring is a great time to remind ourselves that exposure to tick borne illnesses can happen any time of the year, but risk is highest in spring and summer months.  Let's do our part to educate ourselves and our children. 

Please find linked below, two informative posters to start/continue the conversation with your child. It is important that even a small child knows to tell an adult if they feel any kind of bump/itch or creepy crawly that might be a tick. 

*The school has a tick-twister, which is a very effective way of removing the whole tick. 

These safe, effective products are also recommended to families concerned with tick exposure:  permethrin and picaridin


Sun Protection

Please have a conversation with your child about your "sunscreen expectations"

  • Where, when, and how to apply sunscreen.
  • What type of sunscreen will your family use? Sunscreen sticks are a great option at school. 

The ultimate sun protection for children is SPF clothing and accessories!



Friday, April 18th

School is closed for Parent Teacher Conferences. Childcare is available during your conference time. 

Schedule your conference


Wednesday, April 30th 

Hearing & Vision Screening:

Hearing and Vision Screening for Extended Day (aged 5 years by September 2022), 1st-, 3rd-, 4th-, and 5th-year students (excluding 2nd- and 6th-years). Please complete the permission slip to allow the Region 20 Registered Nurse to conduct the testing for your child. 



Posted in the category Weekly Update.